Sunday, July 26, 2009

What would Microsoft's upcoming Retail Stores look like??? Find out here...

Microsoft recently announced that it was planning to open a number of retail stores to compete against Apple’s consumer electronics stores. This announcement was made by company's COO Kevin Turner at the Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference keynote. It seems as if Microsoft is speeding up things to get the stores up and running by fall this year.

Gizmodo has managed to get its hands on a leaked presentation that has details about the concept store going to be started by Microsoft. The presentation is by Lippicott, a design and brand strategy consultant firm with extensive retail experience. Microsoft seems to have hired Lippicott to do the designing for their upcoming stores. According to the presentation Microsoft is taking the best elements from the Apple Store, Sony Style, and other "flagship" stores and combining it to buid a store that offers users an ever lasting experience. The main focus will be on Windows 7, Xbox, PCTV (Windows Media Center) Surface, and Windows Mobile.

The brief of the entire presentation is given below:

· There's going to be a Digital Media Wall--a massive screen--that wraps around the entire store showing various messages.

· Personalization is something they're stressing big time, with fancy areas devoted to customizing computers and gadgets using an "Xbox style" interface at various kiosks.

· Lots of Surface demos Stage areas for Windows 7, Windows Media Center (PCTV) , Windows Mobile and netbooks.

· Some of the stores they profiled for ideas are Nike, Nokia, Sony, Apple and AT&T.

· They're already planning out huge demos and events around Project Natal and their secret mobile project Pink.

· A fancy Microsoft shopping bag

· You can pay to have your birthday party at the Microsoft Store

For a complete version of the presentation click here.


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