Monday, July 27, 2009

Philips’ first Android phone revealed

There has been a multi-fold increase in popularity of Google’s Android platform, first on phone, then it spread to netbooks also. German electronics giant Philips apparently is planning its own such mobile phone. According to the report by, this is Philips’ first Smartphone, powered by Google Android OS.

The V808, as it is called, does typically have a touchscreen, advanced graphics and Internet capabilities, mobile phone users will be able to view the e-mail, browse the Web, search web site and watch video programs, heck it runs an OS that can be said as an integration of all a single platform for Web applications.
They posted some pictures on the site in which the phone was power off, so we are not able to see what the UI looks like. But it sure looks gorgeous – with the two call buttons and the navigation palced in the middle.

The Philips V808 has a 3.2” 320×480 HVGA display and a 3.2 megapixel camera, and features video recording. The dimensions are 115×61x14mm. In addition the machine also features a special focus on GPS and the latest version of the bundled GPS navigation map, GPS car holder and car charger.

Google introduced Android in 2007 as an Operating system for phones. Android is based on Linux, an “open-source” operating system that’s free and developed by hundreds of engineers worldwide. Microsoft offers an operating system for handsets called Windows Mobile, for which they don’t reveal the coding. As customer-centric marketing concepts prevail these days, and companies trying to woo customers with the maximum commands at the customers’ end – open-ended softwares have been gaining a lot of appreciation.



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